
Paying my way to Heaven
But all I make is Hell

Pulling me down
The embrace is my torture

As I fall to decay
And he gets the best of me

The beast trapped within
Bailed out of its cage

The loves I feel
Are they real?

Do they last?
Are they the past

That haunts me
Living in me
Shaping my face

Life’s a gamble
On a losing streak

But addicted to the search for pain
I indulge
I spend
The money to get to Heaven

Eventually I’ll pay the price for it all.

Aura of Ashes

An invisible smoke
Hangs around me

Erupting from
The hands of fire
I set everything aflame with

Suffocating me
And penetrating everywhere I go
With my toxic fumes

I’m burnt up
But my hands keep flaring up.

Extinguish me.

On My Conscience

22 October 2021

My mistakes murder me maliciously
Tear the truths in twos
And affect all

My conscience controls my mind
Haunts me, hurts me
So long as I live
In guilt

The phrases I’ve pronounced previously
Particularly prey on me
And when woes win
I sorrow

Forgiveness I have forcefully forgotten
Or rather I never knew it
As I pity and peck
My whole heart

13 September 2021

The occasional lantern
In a lane of darkness
Passes by me

While the wild wind
Makes the bushes whisper
With voices heard a hundred times already

And sways me into alleyways
Where crammed between the bricks
I am nearly turned to stone

A fish in a bowl

4 July 2021

A fish in a bowl
Sees the world through glass
Its sight is blurred by salty water

On its own

With pebbles on the bottom
That hurt it

Its gills are faltering
Breathing becomes hard

Giving up
It blows its final breath
And floats to the top.